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WP1 – Project Management and coordination, M1-M36 (Lead: UNIVAQ)

WP1 will establish a clear management structure and the common methodology to assure the successful completion of the project objectives on time. Specific tasks of the management process are (among others) the internal communication, monitoring the work-plan during the 3 years of the project life, carrying out adjustments when and if necessary and accounting of the budget to the partners.

1.1. Project management structure and body: financial flows and coordination strategy

 1.2. Local and transnational coordination of the project.

 1.3. 4 SC meetings in presence and periodical (every two months) online meetings.

WP2: Data collection, M1-M6 (Lead: TSTU)

WP2 will identify the educational, research and market needs for biomedical sector in Uzbekistan. The surveyed needs will cover programme courses and university facilities.

2.1. Information on the organization of the universities and the level of application of Bologna Declaration principles (M1-M3)

 2.2. Knowledge of existing agreements University-enterprises for teaching activities for each UZ institution, and identification of problems (M1-M4)

 2.3. Definition of taxonomic indicators for the new Biomedical Engineering Bachelor (M4-M6)

WP3: Enhancement of staff skills and strategy development, M6-M18 (Lead: UoWM)

WP3 will upgrade the teachers’ competencies for designing and delivering the new courses with a student-centered approach and challenge-based methodologies.

3.1. Identification of knowledge and competence gaps, (M2-8)

 3.2. Organization of training sessions provided by EU partners (M8-14)

 3.3. Local training for the constitution of competent and stable Local Teams (M13-26)

WP4: Pilot delivery of new and renovated courses, M15-M30 (Lead: TTPU)

WP4 will establish a strong link between the education, research, training, business and society actors. It starts with the delivery of the new/updated courses developed in WP2 and students will also benefit from the expertise of EU universities professors who will visit the UZ institutions.

4.1 - Pilot application of the taxonomic indicators to the 2 selected tracks of Biomedical Engineering Bachelor Programme and establishment of university-enterprise links (M13-18)

 4.2 - Accreditation of the new Bachelors and definition of Quality Assessment Standards (M15-24)

 4.3 – Start-up of the new Bachelors and renovated curricula and establishment of the Training Center for the delivery of specialized training in the project field to VET schools and LLL (M24-36)

WP5: Quality Control and Monitoring, M3-M36 (Lead: Epimorfotiki)

WP5 will ensure the high quality of the project implementation, by monitoring the activities and the outputs, providing recommendations and designing the Sustainability Strategy to assure the achievement of the main goals. A Quality and Risk Management Plan will be elaborated by monitoring the process leading to the outputs.

5.1. Definition of Quality Control and Monitoring strategy and tools (M3-M12).

5.2. 4 internal evaluation reports and 3 by the independent evaluator. (M12, M18, M24, M30)

WP6: Dissemination Strategy and Tools, M6-M36 (Lead: AndMI)

WP6 focuses on project dissemination activities. Different measures are planned in order to disseminate the information to the different target groups (students, university governance, companies, policy makers, health operators and technologists).

6.1. Dissemination and Sustainability strategy, production of dissemination material (M4-M12)

 6.2. Awareness arising on the new Bachelors developed by the universities in cooperation with enterprises and dissemination of new competence to other institutions and Constitution of the UZ register of BioMedical Engineers (M10-M30)

 6.3. Project logo and web site development and maintenance (M6-M36)