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For partners. Fill the dissemination form requirements.

In early August, we had asked the andmi team to prepare a dissamination report and to keep forming the data from partner universities. 


At the Department of” Biomedical Engineering, Informatics and Biophysics", a training seminar was held for specialists in the field of biomedical engineering

On August 27, 2024, a training seminar for specialists of the direction of Biomedical Engineering was held at the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Informatics and Biophysics of the Faculty of “Pharmacy, Management, Medical Biology, Biomedical Engineering and nurse with higher education” of the Tashkent Medical Academy.

Kozani Seminar 2nd day

Kozani Seminar 2nd day videos

Kozani Seminar 1st day

Kozani seminar videos

Students of the first units of the direction" Biomedical Engineering " completed the diploma course.

The next issue of the show “salvation in knowledge”, which is regularly broadcast by the Andijan region broadcasting company, was dedicated to the Diploma of graduate students of the Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering “Biomedical Engineering".

May 17 - Spring Erasmus+ week 13-18 May 2024

On May 17, the Urgench branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies organized a seminar-training on the topic "Erasmus+ CBHE projects information I2PLEDGE and INMACOM".

Spring Erasmus+ week 13-18 May 2024

We invite you to the event on the topic "Erasmus+ CBHE projects information I2PLEDGE and INMACOM" at the Urganch branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, which is being held by The National Erasmus+ team. The event will be held on May 17 at 14:00 in Hall 2. 

A practical seminar on the I2-Pledge project was held as part of the Erasmus+ week

On May 13-18 of this year, within the framework of the Erasmus+ days organized by the Erasmus+ national office, I2-Pledge project manager Y. Ismoiljanov participated with a presentation on the topic "Prospects of the biomedical engineering program in Uzbekistan: preliminary results of the UzMedEn and I2-Pledge projects".

At the meeting, detailed information was given about the project`s goals, objectives and results achieved so far

Meeting: Prospects of biomedical engineering program in Uzbekistan May 15, 2024

“I2-PLEDGE: Innovative and interdisciplinary Programmes in Bio-medical Engineering to Leverage and Exploit the Digital Growth programme for students’ employability in Uzbekistan" announces the organization of an online informative session about...

Greece trip: international cooperation on the path to the advancement of science

Currently, Bazarbayev Muratali Irisalievich, head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science and Biophysics of the Tashkent Medical Academy, with the participation of the teaching staff of a number of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan....

22/02/2024 - A meeting of UzMedEn and I2-Pledge project coordinators

On February 22, 2024, an online meeting was held between the coordinators of two projects UzMedEn: New master’s degree and training course programs in the field of medical engineering in Uzbekistan...

06-10/11/2023 - The next meeting and training courses of the I2-PLEDGE project were organized at the University of Western Macedonia in Greece

On November 6-10, the second meeting and training courses was organized at the University of Western Macedonia in Greece...

12/09/2023 - The coordinators of the Erasmus program got acquainted with the I2-Pledge project

Ms. Maria Sol Dominguez Parrado, head of projects in Central Asia of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, Aziza Abdurahmonova, coordinator of the National Office of the Erasmus+ program in Uzbekistan, and Bonu Abdusalomova, project manager, participated in the meeting with the team...

09/2023 - Scientific TV program in the field of biomedical engineering

The next TV program "Najot Bilimda” (Salvation in knowledge), which is regularly broadcast by the Andijan region television and radio company, was devoted to the educational program of "biomedical engineering", specialization and their tasks.

26/07/2023 - Biomedical engineering in Uzbekistan: current situation, problems and prospects

An international scientific and practical conference was held at the Andijan Machine Building Institute on the topic "Biomedical engineering in Uzbekistan: current situation, problems and prospects".

29-30/03/2023 - Kick off meeting of the project was held at Tashkent State Technical University, Uzbekistan

On March 29, 2023, kickoff meeting of the project "I2-PLEDGE: Innovative and interdisciplinary Programmes in Bio-medical Engineering to Leverage and Exploit the Digital Growth programme for students’ employability in Uzbekistan" was held at Tashkent State Technical University.